Ties That Bind Us
Big thanks to Aistė Žumbakytė, Alexander Fiske Fosse, Annalisa Arcidiacono, Elaine Maltezos, Jeremy Welsh, Noam Eieldman, Tijs Ham and Vibeke Havre for joining me on April 2nd, 2024, to begin workshopping ideas for this project. It was incredibly useful to have so many creative minds in one room and to start getting a feel for how the conversation (and the project) might unfold! Vibeke and I will continue developing the work together, with the concept gradually coming together along the following lines:
The setting for Ties That Bind Us will be a long table surrounded by chairs and covered in men's neckties. Food and drink will be provided for participants. During the event, Alwynne and Vibeke will invite the public to sit with them, eat, drink, talk and slowly unpick the ties together. As each tie is dismantled, it will be mounted (exposed side outwards) on the surrounding walls to create a slowly evolving visual installation rich in texture, colour and design. Revealing the fabrics, hues and materials that are concealed inside, we will allow the pace of the conversation to be set by the communal task in which we are engaged. The subject of the conversation will be Richard V. Reeves’ recently published book Of Boys and Men: Why the Modern Male is Struggling, Why It Matters, and What To Do About It. The evening will end with a song.